28mm F/2 AI-S
Weight: 13oz
Filter Size: 52mm
is my favorite focal length for general use shooting, so
it's no surprise that I love this lens.
Although smaller than the 20mm f/2.8 AF-D, and similar in size to the
24mm f/2.8 AI-S the 28mm f/2 AI-S is a bit heavier than both. Just like
the 24mm f/2.8 AI-S the 28mm f/2 AI-S is a masterpiece of construction.
Stopped down to F4 or beyond, the 28mm f/2 AI-S is sharper than the
20mm 2.8 or the 24mm 2.8. Wide open it loses more contrast but is a
full stop faster. At f/2.8 it's just slightly ahead of it's wider
brethren. My copy has been around the block and then some. The glass is
still great, but paint is wearing off the outside and the mount is worn
down so much that most Nikon rear caps won't get snug. I doubt any new
AF-S lens will last though as much abuse as this lens has seen!
the three in size.
Strangely enough, Nikon neither makes this nor the
expensive 28mm f/1.4 AF-D anymore. The 28mm f/2.8 AF-D is their sole
offering. With a used market value around $400 used, this
lens is
considerably more than the $260 28mm f/2.8. It's also double in weight
due to metal construction and one extra stop of speed. It will probably
last twice as long to. The cost can quickly be made up if you already
own 52mm filters, as the 28mm f/2.8 AF-D jumps all the way up to a 72mm
Is that extra stop worth it? Well that's up to the user. This
lens is certainly usable at f/2 although it is very soft in the corners
due to spherical abberation. Outside of kayaking it opens up creative
opportunities over a slower lens.

Nikon D700, Nikkor 28mm f/2 @ 1/5000 F2 ISO 100
Now how about for kayaking?

Nikon D700, Nikkor 28mm f/2 @ 1/1250 F8 ISO 200
Of course we need a 100% crop of the above to see what's really going

D700, Nikkor 28mm f/2 @ 1/1250 F8 ISO 200
Here is a shot you're just never going to get with a variable aperture

Nikon D700, Nikkor 28mm f/2 @ 1/1000 F2 ISO 400
So how is it wide open? In the center, really quite fantastic all
things considered, 100% crop no sharpening.

open it's actually looking like a fast lens!