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Eaton Lakes

Eaton Lake is a good sized lake for the Russian Wilderness and sits at an elevation of 6,600' with some nice views of Scott Valley. Up up and away. That's how the trail to Eaton Lakes goes. At first the gradient is tackled with switchbacks and old roads for the first 1200' of climbing. After splitting off the road, the trail is faint at first as it works to the left to find an old logging skid trail, where it's brushy and easy to lose as you work your way up a ridge with logging debris. At the end of the logging mess the trail is considerably steeper but easy to follow. This trail is not recommended for stock, which means the Eaton Lakes are not as heavily used as the nearby Duck Lakes are. There is a nice campsite on the left of the main Eaton Lake, the two others are small, mosquito catching ponds and best avoided.

The 2004 Marble/Russian Wilderness map shows the "trail" continuing on to Duck Lakes with a left turn for Eaton and a right turn for Horseshoe at the same place. The trail is actually an old road, and Eaton is an unsigned left turn about 100 yards before the road continues to Horseshoe or a trail splits off to the left for Duck Lakes (signed). This rock is the marker for the Eaton Lakes trail.

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