Prior to my run on Crapo Creek I had read and been motivated
by a run description several years ago on the now defunct
One saying I had previously heard about the run
was that it was “Crape-o” (correct pronunciation)
on the way in and “Crap-o” when you were done.
Their write-up sums up the run pretty well, it’s really
standard for the area, good drops interspersed with healthy amounts of
mank and wood. We ended up having a longer hike in due to the road
being in poor condition, perhaps a downhill mile on an old road, before
scrambling downhill through several hundred yards through thick
underbrush interlaced with poison oak. About when we all had our fill
of the scramble we were at Crapo and flows were higher than any of the
Caliproduct veterans had seen on the creek. We were all down for the
Days fest and had a large crew with Charlie Center, Ben Wartburg (hurt
shoulder no less), Scott Ligare, Dan “Newschool”
Menten, Paul “Knoxville” Gamache, Jim Busse and
myself. Seven, a large crew for a small creek like this but it worked
out well. The high flows covered a lot of mank and we made good time
down to the first drop, although Paul managed to break his paddle in
the first quarter mile.
Ligare on the first larger drop.
Menten on the same drop.
After a bit more boogie water, mank and a portage
or two
we were at the
largest runnable drop of the run.
Wartburg melting in.
Ligare on the same drop from a
different angle.
After this was an annoying
portage back up the steep right bank due to
a logjam on the next rapid downstream. After putting back in we were
able to cover quite a distance with a few portages before the drop,
which Ben scouted for wood and sent us off.
freewheeling it without scouting.
Everyone is having fun on Crapo.
After this we only had one more quality rapid in
store for
us, a ramp
into a fairly large hole, followed by a low angle slide and a
7’ drop that looked a bit sticky.
Center on the slide.

Charlie post boofing the 7’ drop.
Paul and I both managed to miss the boof, I think
I had a
bit more
momentum and plugged through while Paul had an entertaining surf and
eventually worked his way out. After that it was all boogie water,
mank, a portage down an old dam, and a portage around what used to be
another clean waterfall that was choked with wood. This run is fun, and
all agreed is a run you do once a year, forget about the wood and mank
the next year and run it again. We had flows of 6.5 on the Salmon
gauge, and thought flows were perfect.
video of Crapo, Patterson, and Dillon.