Rio Cosanga was next up on our plate as flows looked to be about
perfect. We decided to tackle the longer day and do the better part of
the upper as well as the lower, with access via a ten minute walk down
an obscure trail.
Shannamar Dewey with the river in sight.
Looking down from the footbridge; Keith Kishiyama, Shannamar Dewey and Keirith Snyder. Keith Kishiyama, Shannamar Dewey, Keirith Snyder and Witney Lonsdale out front.
Fantastic read and run led to one of the larger rapids of the run, Whitney and Shannamar on the lead in.
Keirith Snyder makes the crux move of the rapid.
What views as we approach the put in for the lower half of the run.
Shannamar on the first rapid of the lower section.
Whitney Lonsdale with a classic move.
Soon enough and we stop for lunch at the confluence with the Quijos and leisurely paddle downstream to take out and the hot tub.
Joining the Weingarten clan for some hot tubbing. On to Day Four