Ok where are we going
next? Time for the
waterfall book.

A little rain while we figure things out.

And more rain.

from inside a humid
vehicle. Good thing we had Yoshi to guide us, it was rare that signs
were in English at all. Utsukushi....uh yeah.

More rain as we go to "It's like a Japanese Dennys" - Yoshi

We camp out near a falls
had attempted previously. On their hike in a rock slide happened (most
common accident in Japan) and a team member got part of a paddle shaft
in their leg. Ouch. It would need rain. And rain it did, as we set up
our tents in the dark. Glad to have them up without getting too wet
(thanks Nemo!).
In the
morning we woke to find flows really high. Kind of run-able. Kind of.
We drove into town to get some breakfast and the clouds
Each day the scenery continues to impress.

With breakfast under our
belts we looked at the book again and started driving to a waterfall.
Once we got there it was pretty obvious it didn't go, the whole thing
had a shallow landing. The upstream gradient looked ok, and there was
road access and it was getting late in the day, so we figured what the
hell, may as well paddle something. The river, aka creek, aka drainage
ditch, started off pretty fun with some nice boulder gardens, before it
turned the corner and dropped over a significant triple drop that none
were expected. The drop looked slightly marginal in itself, and a log
in the middle made it unacceptable. Out came the ropes and after
fifteen minutes we had the log out. Hmm I'm still not sure if I really
want to run this thing.
Shon Bollock opted to probe.