Pit River IV (V) "Pit 1 Reach"
American Whitewater had managed to secure recreational
releases on the Pit River,
releasing it from it's poor and unpredictable season. Unfortunately the
releases are up in the air again as PG&E uses any method
to avoid not making every dime possible off a public resource.
Big Eddy put-in was quite busy on day two.

I was glad to be able to attend the final weekend of releases
thanks to Dave Steindorf for all the hard work on securing recreational
releases. Saturday was our first day on the water at a flow of 800cfs.
Most boaters agree upon 800 as the bare minimum flow for the run to be
run-able. This run is fun low stress read and run for class V boaters,
fun boat scouting for class IV boaters and suitable for class III-III+
boaters with a team of more experienced paddlers. It's mostly III with
the occasional IV and one waterfall, the only V. The beginning is a
little intimidating because of copious amounts of vegetation, we
started in the far right channel and worked to the center. After the
initial blind section caused by overgrowth the run opens up into a fun
class IV section of ledges and eventually turns into the normal boulder
garden character of the run.
We made great time down to the waterfall, eddied out way too
high up
and scouted the falls for a while. I ended up running the right side
slide several times, using the nice natural staircase to carry back up
on the far right side. We had to portage the very bottom drop of the
sneak due to lack of flow.
Clarfield running it
on day two at 1200cfs.

Rafters take the slide at 1200cfs, thanks to Daniel Brasuell
sending the picture.

The campground at the take-out was booked full, but we found pleasant
camping upstream from the Big Eddy put-in. Be prepared for a full on
mosquito attack at dusk.

The second day Alex and I were joined by a large group of
Ashland area boaters, and we hauled out the creek boats for the
possibility of running the big line at Pit River Falls. The run down to
the falls was pleasant, I always love to look upstream and see people
taking different routes down rapids at the same time. On arrival at the
falls we split up a little with most of the group getting out on the
island in the middle and scouting.
Devin Knight didn’t wait
long and fired it off with a beautiful boof.

Another angle of Devin thanks again to Daniel Brasuell.
I wanted to get pictures from below and ran it next, driving
the boof but plugging pretty hard and resurfacing in the falls. Upon
rolling up my skirt blew (a common occurence for the WildWasser) and I
got many ends in the base of the falls
before flushing. Probably the most cartwheels I have actually linked in
a feature.
Darin McQuoid boofing a little but about to get very beat down, picture
Daniel Brasuell.

I missed Sean Bullocks run while getting my camera, but Brandon Knapp
followed shortly after with a stylish boof.

Dustin Knapp, driving down the right side of the waterfall.

Shon Bollock put in the effort and hiked back up for the shot.

Ryan Knight is still recovering from a shoulder injury but ran down the
far life line that has a nice boof in it.

Ben and Devin both went back up and ran a line to the river right of
the plunge line while I hiked back up to run the plunge again, so I
missed the shot of their nice lines down the center. Devin down the
center, thanks again Daniel Brasuell.

Thanks to American Whitewater for negotiating releases on the
River, sign
up and support American Whitewater for
future releases. Who knows what will happen to releases on the Pit
River as PG&E claims "environmental" reasons for withholding
releases. After decimating the whole river bed with dams and unnatural
water levels!