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Japan 2012

Good morning

We awake in the morning, reorganize from Lincoln's house to Yoshi's van and head to the Tonegawa. The Tone is a larger volume river, we did it on our last trip and it was awesome, somewhere around 5,000-10,000cfs of pure fun. So much fun commercial rafting companies were not rafting it.

Cody Howard, Tonegawa 2011

This year has less snow and rafting season seems to be in full swing. The river looks entirely different. What was booming IV-V is now fun class III. The scenery is still unique, a remote feeling canyon that opens up into the heart of Minikami.

2011, less snow, less water, lower stress but still lots of fun.

The Tone is a quick run with no scouts and we obviously didn't spend too much time taking pictures. It's interesting to note most the hotels are empty because of a major economic bubble that happened in the late eighties. 

Apparently the Japanese government controls rice prices to promote industry in the rural areas. Amazing to see that some plots are still planted by hand.

Last year we'd looked at the Yunokoyagawa but it was flooding. I figured if the Tonegawa was that much lower, so would be the Yunokoyagawa. We made the quick drive out of town, heading up the Tonegawa to where the Yunokoyagawa comes in. At the confluence things look good so we head up the road and run into a gate. It's supposed to open in five days. There is nothing like earning your turns, so we hike up the road until the river starts to look a little too junky, and put on above a small dam.

A rare shot of the author enjoying a man made boof.

Diane Gaydos on the same.

Our gracious host and fellow water enthusiast, Yoshi.

Yoshi runs one of the many fun drops on the Yunokoyagawa.

Being as we put on late in the day, it is a short run so we take our time to scout the larger rapids, which have interesting moves. Lara Farrell boofs.

At take out is a strange waterfall. Super clean in one way, very undercut on both sides in another. We didn't run it with high water last year, but at these flows it looks pretty good.

Multiple lines can be had and Rok Sribar takes the far left line.

The author chooses to boof down the center.

Diane Gaydos
Just do whatever the raccoon with the flag says.

It's almost dark by the time we wrap up the Yunokoyagawa. Three rivers in two days, not a bad way to start our time in Japan. We make a quick drive back to Minikami and take advantage of Lincon's hospitality once again.

On to the Nakatsugawa.

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