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Sony and Adobe Camera Profiles.

It's rather embarrassing to admit this after using Sony cameras for almost five years now, and as my only cameras for over year. I've been disappointed by how inaccurate Sony colors seem compared to Nikon, but figured that trade off was worth it for the size and weight. Then suddenly I stumble across a post where someone mentions that all it takes is moving away from the Adobe Camera Profile in Adobe Camera Raw and setting the Sony supplied profile as default. More realistic mellow colors, a nice starting place to edit raw files from. No more constantly blown yellows.

A straight, unedited conversion in Adobe Camera Raw, the first using the default profile and the second using the Neutral profile.

Sony A7, Minolta 28mm f/2.5 @ f/5.6

To change the profile open raw file in Adobe Camera Raw and go to the Camera Calibration tab. Click on name below Camera Profile and select Camera Neutral.

Next click over on the little icon to the right of where it says Camera Calibration, and Save New Camera Raw Defaults. Now all your .ARW files will start off at a nice neutral setting.

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