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Park and Play on the Klamath "Marquis" aka "Bucking Bronco"

This little playspot on the Klamath river isn't the most amazing in the world, but during summer flows it seems pretty darn good. It tends to be good when flows are too high for the more well known "Schoolhouse" spot to be in. Marquis is best around 1,300-1,500cfs Below Seiad Valley. The spot is a fun wave hole that's a bit narrow, but has superb eddy service and offers up plenty of moves. It's visible from the road about 20 miles upriver from Happy Camp, and four miles downstream of Seiad. The spot lies just downstream of "Savage Rapid" which has a large pullout on a sweeping right curve in the road while heading downstream. The area is also popular with miners whose parked vehicles should make the pull-out obvious.

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