the loss of Oak Bottom, everyone’s favorite playspot
on the California
Salmon, all the local
boaters were hoping that a good wave would come in somewhere else on
the Salmon. The Cal-Salmon was blessed by the 2006 flood with
“Dirka Dirka” a wave which people agree is better
then Oak
Bottom. The bad news is the wave needs high flows, over 6’ on
Salmon gauge (roughly 5,000cfs) and word has it that Dirka improves as
flows get higher (epic at 8,000).
It’s likely that
Dirka Dirka will never have
the long eddy lines that Oak Bottom occasionally had. Dirka Dirka lies
about a half mile upstream of Cascade and has no road access, so access
consists of paddling from Nordheimer to Cascade at flows above the
recommended level. Everything is still just big class IV with a nice
sneak on the left around a big hole at Airplane Turn.
These images were taken with flows around 6.5’ on
the gauge.