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In Color
B&W Mix up Nikkor 24-70 Siang Wallpaper Smith Pano NF Smith Wallpaper Stars Wallpaper rain! 30 Mistletoe Jonas Wallpaper The Future Spirit of Adventure Lunar Ghost Lunar Eclipse Cody Wallpaper Watershed Wallpaper, other. NF Wallpaper Behind the scenes For Sale Drew Wallpaper Thigh Hooks 85mm f/1.4 Oakland Jackson Wallpaper Headed Home Rwenzori Four Elena Hut Werner Wallpaper Bujuku Hut The Green Tied for First Rwenzori One South East 2 Kokatat Wallpaper South East 1 Moonscape Centennial Not Davis Davis Safari Red Barn Pit River Clean Water Overnight Gear Itunda Dead Dutchman Bujagali BRG Talung 3 Talung 2 Night & Misc 135 DC 2 135 DC Talung 82 updates Camping Wallpaper Quote & Updates Scott Valley Backpacking DPP Beta Wallpaper Japan Diaries Dark Side Rapid Mag 72 UCC TS Q&A EFK TS Japan 3 Japan 2 Fantasy 65 South Silver Japan 1 Seasonal Update 70-300VR 4th of July TS Loop BK NFMF 300mm f/4.5 Gay Wave 52mm f/2 AI 53 Cowbell 51 Pakistan 2 Mill Big secret 50mm AF-D Silver Fork Pakistan #44 Back #42 Teesta Four Sony 16mm f/2.8 The road Fishing Silver Creek Lobster Pot 2 Lobster Pot A great paddler? Kern River Fest Jason Craig Sunday Teesta Three The Wave Teesta Two Teesta One Deer Creek UMC T/S Rainy Days Bear River TS What's in an edit? Siang River T/S Webber Shot o the day Change Squaw Valley Creek North Fork Cosumnes Nikkor 28mm f/2 Random Updated Tutorial #2 Tilt/Shift Siang Panning shot New River Update 24mm 2.8 Weaverville Stars Two lens reviews Night Photography Stars at Castle Lake Going with it. Lohit image First |
In Color ![]() Nikon D700 + Sigma 170-500mm There is always
a story behind the picture. A friend reminded me of mine for the
sunset above and I thought I would give one for each image here, for
those of you who like to read. We were checking into a motel in
Crescent City, small town on the far North Coast of California. We'd
camped through five inches of rain and were looking forward to drying
out. As we pulled in, I saw this sunset happening and knew there was no
time to loose. I grabbed my camera and a long lens and started running.
As the pavement ended there was a patch of dirt before the end of the
pier, with a post perfect for bracing against. In a rush I ran across
the dirt, and two steps out, knew my mistake. My momentum carried me
three more steps, two beyond where my shoes had stuck in the mud. Over
ankle deep in the mud I grabbed my shoes and rushed to get the shot
before the light was gone.
![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 It wasn't raining when I stepped out of the car, so I left my umbrella behind. Once I had the tripod setup, rain came down. After two quick shots my gear was soaked. ![]() Nikon D700 + Sigma 170-500mm We were driving home and saw a herd of Elk just off Highway 101. We jumped out of the car for a few quick snaps. ![]() Sony NEX-5N + Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 While waiting for friends on the Trinity River, we parked next to a spot where Cal-Trans was quite busy. Tilt-shift miniature effects always look better when shot from above, so I scrambled a hundred feet up the embankment for a quick picture. I have two tilt shift lenses, but have found that for miniature effect it's easier just to do it later in photoshop. ![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 58mm f1.4 + PK-13 Extension Tube Bubbles the beautiful fish is a new addition to our bedroom. Didn't have to go too far for this one. ![]() Nikon D700 + Sigma 170-500mm Headed to Dunsmuir from Shasta Valley this cloud was too good to pass up, and easy to get as we were exiting the driveway and I had my tripod with me. They appear over Mount Shasta all the time, but are rare on the smaller mountains. ![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 58mm f1.4 Driving through Shasta Valley to visit my mom, I noticed the moon and knew of one spot that might look good on the way there. I stopped because of a barn, but while walking to it migrating geese filled the sky and I turned and shot. Pure luck on the timing. ![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 58mm f1.4 At the same location the typically swampy spot was frozen solid. ![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 58mm f1.4 The barn wasn't too interesting on it's own, so I strolled inside to shoot through some natural framing. ![]() Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 I'd done the run many times before and didn't want to hike in with my D700 and heavy lens. The trees at the start of the hike were beautiful, so I took a few images before throwing the camera back in the car and hiking in. |