Sony NEX-7, Sony 18-250mm
@ 18mm 1/150 f/3.5 ISO 100

Sony NEX-7, Sigma 18-250mm @ 24mm 1/640 f/4 ISO 200
Afternoon thunder storm

Sony NEX-7, Nikon 105mm f/2.5 @ 1/1000 f/4 ISO 100
The Captain
My favorite thing in
photography is the possibility of growth. There is always something new
to learn. From the creative side, visualizing something in a new way to
the technical, like setting up complex lighting. Studio
product photography has never been a particular interest of mine, but
week while driving I saw the above ad on
a billboard. My first thought was, "I could make a better
image for
that slogan". Driving by the first time, the ad actually looked worse
than it is,
all I could discern was the bottle of rum, the glass and the flask. As
the image shows there is a bit more to it then that, but nothing that
really plays off the "on the map" slogan except the barely visible
compass on the right. It's easy to say one can do better and move on,
so I
decided that it would be best to put my money where my
mouth was. Not too much money. The goal: shoot a better add shot for
"The finest rum on the map" for under $25 in supplies. The supplies
have come in, now I just need to find time to make it happen. I expect
to spend at least one full day playing with lights and turning our
dining room table into a makeshift studio.
Cornstalk in the moonlight

Sony NEX-7, Tamron SP 500mm f/8 @ 1/40 f/8 ISO 100