The return to APS-C. I was an adopter of full frame as soon
as I could afford it with the "bargain" $2,999 Nikon D700. This summer
I picked up a Sony A6000 as a backup wedding camera to the Sony A7.
It's seen more and more use as I enjoy the ability to travel light but
still get great image quality from such a compact package. As I've
started to leave the A7 at home when traveling light I quickly found
out my favorite flash setup did not get along well with the A6000. That
setup is three Yungnuo 560-III speedlights and a Yungnuo 560-TX
transmitter. Bang for the buck this setup is incredible, it can
wirelessly control the power level of separate three flash groups.
Perfect for off camera lighting, especially when the flash is buried in
an umbrella with a cloth modifier. Unfortunately out of the box the
flashes don't like fire on the Sony A6000. It took a little research to
figure out that the black paint Sony used on the hot shoe wraps around
to the upper edge of the bracket. This is where the Yongnuo flashes and
triggers ground. No ground, no flash. Thankfully it's an easy fix, a
little sandpaper to take off that paint and the units fire every time.
Not visible from above, but the sanded area and leftover dust is obvious.
For now the $250 Samyang 85mm
f/1.4 on the A6000 is making a nice alternate to the $1,800 Sony Zeiss
135mm f/1.8 on full frame. Sure it's not as good optically, and it
shouldn't be considering the staggering price difference.

Sony A6000, Samyang 85mm f/1.4 @ 1/160 f/1.4 ISO 100, two Yungnuo 560-III flashes.